3D on Blu Ray

By October 14, 2008Stereoscopic

The day is almost upon us. October 28, 2008 Two major studio released 3D films will be available for the first time in 3D for home markets. This is great news, but not without a big question. Will they embrace a digital format that will allow home viewers to enjoy the 3D as it was meant to be? Unfortunately no. Both “The Polar Express 3D” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D” will be on Blu Ray in anaglyphic format. In fact each Blu Ray disc comes with FOUR pairs of red/cyan glasses. Its too bad that you can’t get a field interlaced, over/under, or a dual stream version of these.

Hollywood wants you to think that you can’t have high quality 3D at home. This is not true. I’m finishing up my article on how you can build a home theater for under $2500 that can do stunning 1080p stereo. Now I will have full reviews of these discs coming up on the blog. My gut feeling is that Polar Express will hold up fairly well due to its use of dark blues in its palette. Parts of Journey should hold up as well. It all depends on if they did any color correction for the anaglyph transfer. On Spy Kids 3D I remember a terrific shot that worked really well was during the Mega Race inside the cool blue tunnel. I hope this means that these transfers won’t be as horrible as the Hannah Montana disc.

Well we shall see…


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