3DAnimationSite NewsStereoscopicTechVFX Press is good, 3D press is better. I've been getting allot of positive feedback and press on my article on the evaluation…Daniel SmithSeptember 26, 2008
3DAnimationCamerasMoviesReviewsStereoscopicTechVFX Fly me to the Moon: A 3D evaluation This is not a review. If you want a review of this film then read…Daniel SmithAugust 20, 2008
3DMoviesReviewsStereoscopicTech REVIEW: Journey to the Center of BAD 3D I was going to do a full review of this film. Now, I can't get…Daniel SmithAugust 11, 2008
3DTech Avatar 3D Game Not that this is a new thing, but this is the first time that a…Daniel SmithJune 3, 2008
3DTech TD Vision update TD Vision has some interesting tech. I'm really interested in where they are going with…Daniel SmithMay 23, 2008
3DTech Apple to go 3D Apple Insider has uncovered some cool patents from Apple. They are planning on producing an…Daniel SmithMarch 20, 2008
3DTech Enable3D NEC and Magnetic announced the creation of a new glasses free technology to display 3D…Daniel SmithFebruary 28, 2008