Demo logo - I created this from concept to final comp. Modeled, texture, lighting, animation, FX and comp. Using Lightwave and Nuke. |
Spy Kids 3D Puzzle Walk - I was the Stereoscopic Supervisor for Cafe FX and lead compositor for the show. In this shot I did 3D plate tracking, keying, color correction and final composite. The live action was reposed and scaled to simulate a larger crane move at the head of the shot. Stereo adjustments were made to keep feet locked to CG environment. Depth fog was added to enhance depth cues.
CafeFX, Digital Fusion, Lightwave |
GI Joe Valor Vs Venom - Color correction, roto mattes, and final composite.
Compositing Lead. On all these shots in this group, I was the compositor and color corrector. I also added 2D effects like dust and smoke as needed. I completed over 400 shots myself for the feature. Nukes 3D system was used to add matte paintings and relight CG elements.
ReelFX : Nuke
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Oversaw the creation of these effects. As VFX Supervisor for the shot, the filmed clean plate was hand held and unusable, and I decided to have a digital room created to paint back into the green screen. I did the match move, color grade, precomps, and oversaw the final composite.
IBC Digital |
Graveyard- I modeled and created all the shaders for this environment. From the mossy gravestones to the old church and grassy Irish moors. I also supervised all stereoscopic considerations.
Kleiser-Walczak / Synthespian Studios |
Trico Wipers - 30: Commercial with CG Dragon. As VFX supervisor, I supervised principal photography and plate acquisition on set. I re timed Live plates, stabilized, and match moved. Created digital rain, window rain, and puddles. Adjusted grading and lighting in comp. Made reflection passes, to create dry for wet conversion. Took rendered dragon elements composited them and created particle system derived from luminance values to complete effect. Live action foreground required cleanup, digital instrumentation replacement and rear view mirror replacement, and digital wipers.
IBC Digital |
Choo Choo Soul - Short children's music videos for the Disney Channel. I supervised the compositing and pipeline for this show. Lighting and color was modified in comp to add to the effect. In this shot, I comped the train from many multi pass layers creating depth of field with blurs on the foreground. The smoke was simple hardware shaded spheres that where then made to look like volumetric puffy smoke with color corrections and blur.
IBC Digital |
IndyCar Izod - Fully CGI Indy car was replace on footage shot with a different car. I had to model, texture, animate and light the CGI replacement car. Each plate had to be carefully cleaned up and the original car painted out. The new CGI car was composited and tracked into the new clean plates. I completed all work for 5 shots in less than two weeks for HD broadcast. Here you can see the before and after for each shot.
Danimation |
Spy Kids 3D Flying Pig - I was the Stereoscopic Supervisor for Cafe FX and lead compositor for the show. In this shot I did 2D plate tracking, roto, keying, color correction and final composite. 3D stereoscopic adjustments had to be made to ensure proper depth on the live actor sitting behind the pigs head and jumping off and over and landing on the ground. Careful attention had too be compensated for to insure the proper depth for the all three distinctive depth placements for the live action to feel integrated into the CG creature.
CafeFX |
HallowenTown walking Handbag- As compositing lead on this Disney film, I composited about 40 shots out of 200 for the show. This handbag was composited and color balanced with the live plate.
ReelFX |
HallowenTown Inflating House - I created a CG digital house that I animated, lit and composited. I also created the dust and the CG leaves that swirl in the house rapidly inflates. I had to roto the people out and place them back over top of my finished composite.
ReelFX |
Giant Foods Commercial - Lighting, rendering and compositing. I used shallow depth of filed and composited in a live action hand knocking over bonus cards like dominoes.
IBC Digital
M&M's Christmas- Technical Director. Props and FX, lighting and shaders. for these two shots.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
M&M's Mr Bean- Technical Director. Modeled blend shapes, Lighting and shaders for the whole spot and overseeing final precomps.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika
M&M's jumping into chocolate puddle - Lighting , modeling, surfacing, and effects animation for melting chocolate puddle. Animation on shoes and sun glasses trapped in the melting chocolate.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
M&M's Crispy - Modeling of the digital chair, shading and Lighting, Technical Direction and lighting for entire spot.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
Kid Cuisine - I supervised the creation of this character, and oversaw his rigging and animation. I replaced product boxes in the freezer, layered in fog and reflections. Then built up the character from color, occlusion, specular and special mat passes. Comped in and tracked the pizza slice and practical scarf. Finally added shadows, edge wraps and film grain.
IBC Digital |
Choo Choo Soul - Lighting and color was modified in comp to add to the effect. In this shot I was tasked to create a night time lighting effect from daytime render layers. Shown is the before and after.
IBC Digital |
Spy Kids 3D Platforms - Compositing and 3D stereoscopic adjustments to insure maxi um 3D while preserving foot lock and placement inside the stereo screen plane. Color and lighting adjustments
CafeFX |
Kid Cuisine Tray - This shot was created nearly two years after the film shoot, and the client wanted to change the product. CG food was replaced and the child's face was re timed and taken from 2 alternate takes., because the packet of frosting he licks, is not part of the new product. The original hand was roto'ed out and used for packet replacement. I created a all CG food tray with nuggets, lighting, rendering,mac and cheese, and CG pudding. Dynamic sprinkles were comped in and shadows, interactive lighting and the original hand comped, color balanced, rack focused, and re grained.
IBC Digital |
Deer in Window - As part of a stop motion inspired Christmas story, I was the senior artists and lead on this 8 minute stereoscopic film. I did the lighting here and was careful to create a warm rim from the window to complement the cold blue light from the outside.
PowderKeg, Inc. |
Santa's List- Here I also did the lighting and shading of the two characters and the list. This shot was a dynamic stereoscopic shot that broke though an artificial screen plane.
PowderKeg, Inc. |
Reese's - This shot from a Reese's Puffs Cereal Commercial required me to 3D match move the green screen. I created the lighting and shading to the art directors specs, creating a surreal hyper saturated fantasy world of peanut butter and chocolate. Then completed the final composites creating shadow passes, reflections and final color correction.
IBC Digital |
London Bridge - I was a lead compositor for Action Man: X Missions a CG feature with 1300 shots. I composited around 300 shots for this. This london Bridge was a matte painting. I created depth using Nuke's 3D system and created a simulation of water waves and animated 2D cars to bring the still to life. Lighting and color correction and final comp.
ReelFX |
Action Man Destruction - This explosion sequence was created from FX elements and a matte painting of the environment. I created interactive lighting passes, camera movement, and shake to enhance the shot. All color grading and compositing.
ReelFX |
Action Man Destruction - This shot was a lot like the first one, in which I created interactive lighting passes, camera movement, and shake. All color grading and compositing.
ReelFX |
Action Man Destruction - This last wider shot had some more challenges. including a shock wave and distortion of the clouds as the heat blast evaporates them. I also created interactive light passes, and made the 2D painted clods feel more real with animated drift and lighting. All color grading and compositing.
ReelFX |
Judge Dredd City - I modeled and textured Far buildings used to fill out city vista. I also prevized this shot which was used to establish the exact moves used to shoot miniatures. Additionally I animated flying traffic that populates the background of the vista.
Kleiser-Walczak / Mass.Illusions |
Irish pub - Location setup. Modeled & textured props along street, buildings surrounding the pub, and props inside the pub walls and shelves. Also supervised all stereoscopic considerations.
Kleiser-Walczak / Synthespian Studios |
Video Mods Silent Hill - Compositing and color grading of renders. Ghost was rendered and lit by me using many passes of occlusion, facing ratio, and depth to achieve the ethereal look in the composite. Supervised creation and direction of ghost and the overall look and tone for this video.
IBC Digital |
HallowenTown Wall Portal - Compositing, creation of clean plate animation of effects layers. I designed and implemented this wall portal effect which was shot with no keyable green screen. The principal actors and foreground elements had to be roto'd out and clean plate constructed and tracked in. I then created multiple passes of glowing outlines, god rays, and plasma distortions to complete the effect.
ReelFX |
M&M's 3D Lab - Environment modeling, shading and lighting. Modeling and shading of hero characters. All modeling, rigging, texturing, lighting, and effects animation on the props and vacuum tube. Final compositing and stereoscopic supervision and Implementation.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
M&M's party - Animator for both characters, Red & Yellow. Modeled candy bowl, and snack in Yellow's hand. Lighting and Shading.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
M&M's Muscles - Lighting and Shading. and senior technical director. Rigged and devised method for M&M characters to "pump up" and morph their muscles. Also animated "Red" character on a shot deflating his muscles.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
Oxy - In this shot a puppeteer is seen hiding under the table and has a large control rod connecting him to the badger puppet. I painted a clean version of the cage, tracked it to the plate, and painted back the actor and puppet, hiding the rod. Next I cloned the grass and painted out the puppeteer and restored film gain. All compositing and fixes.
IBC Digital |
Leaf - In this shot a CG leaf must be blown off a tree and followed off camera. I completed the compositing, color grading and relighting in the comp.
IBC Digital |
Kid Cuisine - 3D tracking box replacement and created the ice effect on the character. Layered in fog and practical debris elements and color graded and final comp.
IBC Digital
M&M's 3D Lab - Environment modeling, shading and lighting. Modeling and shading of hero characters. All modeling, rigging, texturing, lighting, and effects animation on the props and vacuum tube. Final compositing and stereoscopic supervision and Implementation.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
M&M's 3D dropping from tube - Environment modeling, shading, and lighting. Effects animation on rug, tube and dust. Final Compositing and Stereoscopic supervision and Implementation.
Will Vinton Studios / Laika |
Demo logo - I created this from concept to final comp. Modeled, texture, lighting, animation, FX and comp. Using Lightwave and Nuke. |